
Reliable, evidence-based approach for optimal diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring

Accurate, reliable, and prompt diagnostics are key to effective healthcare diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. Our Laboratory at Kuwait Hospital offers comprehensive services to accommodate a wide range of specialties aiding in optimal diagnosis and patient health outcomes.

Our evidence-based approach is key in consistently and continuously upgrading our lab testing methods and updating our medical and technical team with the most recent clinical outcomes of research.

This enables us to ensure that patients receive reliable and rapid health information and results as the basis of their healthcare treatment and plan.  

The Kuwait Hospital Difference

We pride in having an evidence-based practice which builds upon our successful track record in accurate, reliable diagnostics.  

We are one of the few private hospitals to have frozen section histopathology and liquid based cytology.  

Our team comprises of consultants and specialists in the fields of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, such as: Histopathology, Clinical Biochemistry, Endocrinology, Hematology and Blood Bank, Cytology, Microbiology, Virology, andImmunology and Allergy.  

What is Laboratory?

A clinical or medical laboratory is a specialized department in a hospital where samples are collected from patients and then tested to gather information about a patient’s health and condition for treatment of diseases and disorders. Kuwait Hospital has its very own in-house laboratory.  

Our Services and Treatments

  • Clinical Chemistry 
  • Endocrinology and Hormones  
  • Microbiology 
  • Virology 
  • Histopathology 
  • Cytology 
  • Blood Bank 
  • Hematology And Coagulation 
  • STAT And POC 
  • Immunology and Allergy  
  • Comprehensive blood tests   

Advanced testing technologies

Clinical Chemistry 

–  Fully automated chemistry machine Alinity i 


– Fully automated endocrinology machine Alinity c 


– Microscan Walkaway 
– BactecAlert  
– GeneXpert 
– MDX  


– Full functioning PCR unit for viral identification using BioRad, Maxwell, Azure, Zybio and Torax equipment   


  • Fully equipped grossing, cutting, and staining stations.  
  • Support frozen sections and cryo specimens. 


  • FNAC 
  • PAP Smear (Liquid Based Cytology) with turnaround time of 48 hours.  

Blood Bank 

  • Fully equipped to perform ABO/Rh for adults and newborns.  
  • Fully equipped to perform crossmatching and antibody screening prior to the transfusion of blood and blood components  

Haematology And Coagulation 

  • Sysmex XN2000 
  • Stago  


  • Gem Premier 
  • Triage SOB 
  • OptiCheck  
  • Headway Urea Breath Analyser  
  • iChroma II  

Immunology And Allergy 

Know your Doctor

You are unique and so should your healthcare plan be personalized to your wellbeing. Our board-certified doctors are highly experienced and qualified to guide you on your healthcare journey, from consultation and diagnosis to treatment and recovery.  

Get to know your Kuwait Hospital doctor and his/her specialization, credentials, and successful track-record for positive health outcomes.