Geriatric Day Care Center

Healthy aging at your home away from home

Our Geriatric Day Care Center provides compassionate care for the elderly and senior citizens in a friendly, caring environment. This non-residential facility is managed by qualified health care providers who are specifically trained to care for older adults physical and mental wellbeing. Our health care providers also work closely and patiently with the elderly to improve ambulation, function, transition, and gait difficulties even with memory challenges.  

Our home-like yet professional center is open 8 hours a day and with a full team of multidisciplinary healthcare experts on call. 

Our Services

  • Health-related screenings (Comorbidities management) 
  • Medication optimization. 
  • Health Education  
  • Physical and occupational therapy 
  • Meals and nutritional counselling 
  • Social activities  
  • Supervision  
  • Mobility assessment and gait aids management. 
  • Mental health counseling