Pediatric Dentistry

Making dental visits fun and pleasant!

A dentist is probably the first doctor or hospital visit that a child remembers. Making your child’s dental visit a happy, fun, safe and pain-free experience, is the commitment of our Pediatrics Dentistry department at Kuwait Hospital.

Our board-certified pediatric dentists and nurses are well trained on how to introduce healthy dental habits to kids in an engaging and enjoyable way. Our vibrant, interactive, child-friendly dental clinic is designed like a child’s fun-land with themed play areas and activities to make your child’s visit from waiting till post-procedure a memorable experience.

All our procedures are pain-free, while complex treatments are conducted under general anesthesia – to ensure, avert and manage dental phobia in kids.  

The Kuwait Hospital Difference

We pride in being an inclusive hospital caring for all children of all ages from birth till 16 years of age. Our highly experienced team provides specialized and compassionate care for children with special needs, speech difficulties, or who are medically compromised.  

We manage dental phobia in many ways including dental treatment with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and comprehensive oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia. Our friendly doctors and nurses explain the dental treatments to children and answer their questions with compassion and patience.   

From the moment your child walks into our pediatrics dental clinic, it does not feel like a hospital or clinic at all! Our interiors are fun and colorful with themed attractions and play areas, where children can play with interactive toys and activities while they wait their turn to meet the doctor, and after their appointment as well. We have a library with story books for kids of all ages, kids-friendly toys and puzzles, themed zones and props for role-playing, and a drawing/coloring area with kids-safe crayons and stationery for budding artists! 

What is Pediatrics Dentistry?

Pediatric dentistry is a specialized branch of dental care that focuses on the development and health of mouth, teeth and gums of children from infancy through their adolescent years. It also educates children and their families on healthy dental and oral care practices to keep teeth and gums healthy and strong.  

Our Services and Treatments

  • Cavities  
  • Cleanings and fillings  
  • Dental anxiety  
  • Dental phobia 
  • Dental crown fittings  
  • Dental surgery  
  • Extractions including wisdom tooth  
  • Facial swelling  
  • Gum disease and gingivitis  
  • Speech difficulty  
  • Tooth sensitivity  
  • Tooth injury  
  • Teeth misalignment or crooked teeth  
  • Thumb sucking  
  • Dental treatment with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) 
  • Comprehensive oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia 

Know your Doctor

You are unique and so should your healthcare plan be personalized to your wellbeing. Our board-certified doctors are highly experienced and qualified to guide you on your healthcare journey, from consultation and diagnosis to treatment and recovery.  

Get to know your Kuwait Hospital doctor and his/her specialization, credentials, and successful track-record for positive health outcomes.