Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Specialized 24/7 care for your bundle of joy

Bringing a baby into the world is a momentous event for all parents and indeed the first time that a baby experiences life outside the comfort of the mother’s uterus. Our NICU is equipped to provide essential support for babies who are premature, unwell or facing critical conditions.

We pride in housing some of the most sophisticated equipment in the world, managed and operated 24/7 by our highly experienced neonatologists, NICU technicians and nurses.

We are with parents and families every step of the way, keeping you informed on your baby’s wellbeing, so you can rest assured that we are doing everything possible within our capabilities, capacity, skills, technology and experience for your baby’s wellbeing 

The Kuwait Hospital Difference

Backed by our preventative healthcare philosophy, our specialists monitor the health of expecting mothers throughout their trimesters to particularly track high risk factors such as diabetes, multiple pregnancies, high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia, premature rupture of amniotic sac, bleeding, infant diagnosed with congenital anomalies etc  

Our NICU is fitted with state-of-the-art equipment for babies who need compassionate care of all levels including specialized baby cots, intensive incubators, and isolation units. Our NICU is monitored 24/7 by highly trained staff. Although we plan and hope for the best possible outcome for every birth, we also include NICU in all childbirth packages as a preparatory measure in case the need may arise.  


What is a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit?

A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is a highly sophisticated specialized care chamber for premature babies, babies who are unwell, and babies who need special care after birth. It is fitted with specialized devices to continuously track and monitor the health of babies, and supervised 24/7 by trained NICU neonatologists, technicians and nurses.    

Our Services and Treatments

  • Babies with low weight at time of birth  
  • Premature babies  
  • Babies with congenital defects  
  • Babies with low blood sugar  
  • Babies facing breathing difficulties or respiratory conditions  
  • Babies who are in need of special medication or blood transfusion  
  • Babies born with complications such as meconium aspiration/ cyanotic babies or experiencing trauma during childbirth  
  • Babies born to mother who had gestational diabetes or other health complications 
  • Babies who are born as multiple births – twins, triplets or quadruplets  
  • Babies who are born unwell, with fever or an infection  


Know your Doctor  

You are unique and so should your healthcare plan be personalized to your wellbeing. Our board-certified doctors are highly experienced and qualified to guide you on your healthcare journey, from consultation and diagnosis to treatment and recovery.  

Get to know your Kuwait Hospital doctor and his/her specialization, credentials and successful track-record for positive health outcomes.

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