Diet & Nutrition

Restoring health and vitality with personalized diet plans

Our diet and nutrition play a key role not only in the recovery phase, post-surgery or post-treatment stage, but also as a preventative measure to nourish your cells and organs, build strength and immunity, and enjoy positive energy levels for yourself and your family.

We are what we eat, and what we eat influences every part of our being – physical, emotional, mental, psychological and social. Through our multi-disciplinary approach, our board-certified dieticians and nutritionists work with doctors across other Kuwait Hospital departments to develop a personalized diet and nutrition plan that is customized to your health conditions, lifestyle and taste.

We are with you every step of the way to ensure you build positive diet habits that last.  


The Kuwait Hospital Difference

We pride in housing some of the most advanced technology for diagnosing diet and nutrition related metabolic and weight-related disorders including a state-of-the-art body composition (body mass index) evaluating machine. 

 We offer a comprehensive range of diet and nutrition services to: 

  • Know your body composition (water, fat, muscle) 
  • Know how many calories your body burns per day without physical activity 
  • Reach your desired body weight by following special diet program 
  • Control many diseases by following the appropriate diet such as: diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, kidney disease, kid’s nutrition, and other 
  • Follow the appropriate diet before & after bariatric surgery 


What is Diet and Nutrition?

Diet and nutrition is a specialized branch of healthcare that focuses on the appropriate, balanced, age-specific food consumption in terms of fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts, meat, proteins, carbs, minerals, vitamins and water – for the healthy and optimal functioning of the body, its organs and many systems. It also includes supporting metabolism and wellbeing through proper use of supplements, exercise, rest and sleep.  

Our Services and Treatments

  • Minerals and vitamins deficiency  
  • Obesity and weight loss  
  • Post-partum diet and nutrition  
  • Diet planning for hormonal health  
  • Nutrition for kids and adolescents 
  • Lactose intolerance and gluten-free diet planning 
  • Organic and vegan diet planning   
  • Diabetes and blood sugar management planning 
  • Nutrition education for pre-natal and pregnancy including thyroid problems and gestational diabetes  
  • Geriatric diet and nutrition 
  • Sports diet and nutrition: muscle mass and fitness 
  • Cardiovascular diet and nutrition including hypertension, cholesterol and atherosclerosis  

Know your Dietitian

You are unique and so should your healthcare plan be personalized to your wellbeing. Our Dietitian are highly experienced and qualified to guide you on your healthcare & Diet journey. 

 Get to know your Kuwait Hospital doctor and his/her specialization, credentials, and successful track-record for positive health outcomes.

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