
Specialized solutions for spine and brains health

From rare and acute conditions requiring minimally invasive and complex surgeries, to general neurological conditions – our highly specialized neurosurgery department provides evidence-based care for the spine, brain and peripheral nerve disorders.

Our neurosurgeons together hold a combined 50+ years of experience across 1000 cranial and spinal procedures for both adults and children.

Our comprehensive approach provides thorough diagnostics and different treatment options from medication, injections, radiofrequency ablation, pain management and physiotherapy, to advanced surgical options.

The Kuwait Hospital Difference

We specialize in minimally invasive spinal fixation procedures leading to less muscle and tissue damage, less postoperative pain, faster recovery and highly effective performed by our neurosurgical spine expert.

We manage the revision of brain and spinal cases with very difficult courses which are not accessible to most of the local surgeons. We also successfully manage vascular brain malformations (AVM, Aneurysm) which are considered as highly challenging due to their high-risk and require specialized expertise and know-how backed by extensive practical experience.

We pride in having a fully equipped OT with Neuronavigation Microscope, C arm, Endoscope, MRI, Angio with DSA, 3D Angio for cranial vessel diagnostic, CT scan and X-ray, Dexa scan and Ultrasound. Our Laboratory and pathology provide all necessary diagnostics. We also offer supportive services like Pharmacy, Hematology, Anesthesia, Cardiology, Internal medicine, Endocrinology, ICU, PT and ED.

What is Neurosurgery?

Neurosurgery is a specialized branch of medicine and surgery that focuses minimally invasive and complex surgical interventions for conditions, disorders and care for the spine, brain and peripheral nerve disorders. While neurosurgeons focus on surgical treatments for the brain, spine and nervous system; neurologists use other non-surgical treatments.

Our Services and Treatments

  • Endoscopic procedures
  • Total disc replacement
  • Tumors of the spine
  • Instability of the spine
  • Osteoporotic vertebral fractures
  • Spinal canal stenosis
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Intracerebral hemorrhage
  • Traumatic fractures of the spine
  • Lumbar, thoracic and cervical disc herniation
  • Peripheral nerve compression syndromes
  • Neuro vascular malformations
  • Aneurysms of cerebral vessels
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Neuro-oncology
  • Brain and spine tumors
  • Degenerative spinal disorders

Know your Doctor

You are unique and so should your healthcare plan be personalized to your wellbeing. Our board-certified doctors are highly experienced and qualified to guide you on your healthcare journey, from consultation and diagnosis to treatment and recovery.  

Get to know your Kuwait Hospital doctor and his/her specialization, credentials, and successful track-record for positive health outcomes.